Cornerstone Church

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WE> ME | A Vision Bigger Than Me

We > Me. It sounds counterintuitive. After all, this is the age of the maverick, the startup, and the brand called YOU.  But the greatest, most fulfilled people know it’s never about you. It is always about the mission that is bigger than you. The trouble with always searching to find yourself, work on what makes you happy, and communicate your ideas and abilities is that you spend too much time looking in the mirror rather than at the world. True, Jesus-style fulfillment requires you to flip that logic on its head. We > merevolves around teamwork to serve the world for which Jesus came. WE > Me--it’s who WE are.

Cornerstone Church is our tribe, our team. We are part of the CHURCH, and God has honored us by seeing us as the hope of the world. In 2019, our first and finest efforts will be to work together with each other and him for the fulfillment of his purpose. Pastor Brenda will share by video (12 mins.) with both campuses and our online congregation, then our Campus Pastors will personalize the specifics of the vision for each campus. In another 12-15 minutes.