Cornerstone Church

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Finding Freedom | The Ultimate Exodus

No one was born to be a slave. Yet slavery takes many forms, and oppression has many flavors. We all have experienced it. It can take only a moment to set a slave free from a slave owner, but years to get the slavery out of the person. Turns out, freedom is a long term work, and it comes from the inside out. Jesus has created a way for us to be truly free. Outside and in. You can find freedom from all that enslaves you.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

The Israelites forgot who they were and settled in, exchanging their values slowly but surely for the values of Egypt. For years they thought this was life, and didn’t realize they had become slaves. This is the story of our lives as well. We were created for freedom, but we will always return to slavery unless we remember and hold onto our identity.

Message Notes

How slavery starts

The story of the Exodus (“the going out”) is covered starting in Genesis 47 through the first five books of the Bible.

Slavery is a tricky business. Many people who are trapped in its grip don’t even know it.

“Meanwhile, the people of Israel settled in the region of Goshen in Egypt. There they acquired property, and they were fruitful, and their population grew rapidly.” Genesis 47:27

We were created for freedom, but we will always return to slavery unless we remember and hold onto our identity.

Freedom is a long-term, inside out work.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

Guard who you are in Christ.

Watch your values.
Stand firm.

Action Steps

  1. Consider your values over the past years.
    How have you seen values change around you?
    Have you slowly bought into something you should not have?
    Where are you tempted to trade in your identity and “settle in?”

  2. Take a “Who I Am In Christ” card, and affirm it daily (or follow the link below). Let it shape your lifestyle.

Bottom Line

We were created for freedom, but we will always return to slavery unless we remember and hold on to our identity.